Feast Day: October 16th

The Life of Saint Longinus: That Centurion was this Blessed Longinus, who with two other of his soldiers came to believe in Jesus, the Son of God. Longinus was chief of the soldiers who were present at the Crucifixion of the Lord on Golgotha, and was also the chief of the watch that guarded the Tomb…



Apolytikion: Longinus, you beheld the King of Glory Who was nailed to the Cross, yet shone on those in darkness. You were enlightened by His rays and became a Martyr and save those who cry: Glory to Him Who gave you strength! Glory to Him Who granted you a Crown! Glory to Him Who through you grants healing to all!

Kontakion: With great joy the Church of Christ today rejoiceth on the festive Memory of Blest Longinus, the all-famed and Godly prizewinner. And She doth cry out: O Christ, my foundation and might art Thou.

Hymn of Praise:
Saint Longinus stood beneath the Cross when, on the Cross, Christ breathed His last. Longinus beheld the wrath of the mild sky, witnessed the Earth as it shook, and the bright sun as it lost its rays and clothed the whole world in darkness. The tombs of many were opened, and many of the dead appeared alive. Brave Longinus was filled with fear, and exclaimed with a remorseful sigh: “This Man was the Son of God! Sinful men have Crucified the Innocent One!” Next to him, two other soldiers echoed the exclamation of their Centurion. Longinus was a witness of the Resurrection, and he could attest to His humiliation as well. An eyewitness, a true witness, Longinus desired to not conceal the truth, but proclaimed it everywhere he went, and Glorified the Resurrected Christ God! To his death he remained Christ’s soldier; and for Christ, Longinus gave his head.


