Feast Day: January 31st & May 27th

The Life of Saint Melangell: the hare that his hounds were chasing took refuge under her cloak…



Troparion – Tone 8: Preferring the rigours of Monasticism to worldly status and marriage, O pious Melangell, though wast fifteen years on a rock, emulating the example of the Syrian Stylites. Wherefore, O Saint, Pray to God that He will give us strength to serve Him as He Wills, that we may be found worthy of His great Mercy.

Kontakion – Tone 4: Praise, glory and honour are thy due, O Righteous Melangell, for in consecrating thy virginity to Christ, thou didst give us a model of Christian living. Wherefore we who keep thy festival Pray for Grace to amend our lives according to thy example, Glorifying God in every word and deed.

Wishing to live her life in Prayer and Virginity, Saint Melangell fled her family home to live a life of solitude and Prayer, sleeping on bare rock with a cave as her Cell.


A hunter noticed the hare that his hounds were chasing took refuge under her cloak. He wished to marry her, but after she declined and told him about her life, he dontated land in the valley where she could live her Monastic life.