Feast Day: December 31st
The Life of Saint Melania: Thus, the Holy couple, after experiencing carnal gratification, was joined in a loftier union: fasting, Prayer, labours, and the mortification of the flesh. Each incited the other to greater struggles, and finally they decided to entrust their wealth to Christ through the hands of the poor, to renounce the world, and to embrace the Monastic life… Blessed Melania, the Lord’s wise handmaiden, kept a careful watch over both herself and her husband, for she was his teacher and guide, always taking the initiative as she led him on the way of the Lord…

Apolytikion – Tone 4: In your fervent desire for the Angelic life, you renounced the comforts of this Earth. In watchfulness you practiced sobriety and deep humility. Therefore, most wise Melania, you became a pure vessel filled by the Holy Spirit, who adorned you with gifts, attracting all to your Divine fervour, leading them to the Master and Saviour of our Souls.
Kontakion – Tone 4: Being illumined in thy Soul with the bright rays of Him that shone forth unto us from a Virgin, with virtues wast thou brilliant, O all-lauded one; for having dispersed on Earth thy corruptible riches, thou didst store up for thyself greater riches in Heaven; and in Ascetic labours thou didst shine; hence, O Melania, with longing we honour thee.
“How happy we would be if we lived together in continence, labouring for God in our youth without enjoying conjugal pleasures! From the beginning I wished for this. If you are not strong enough to control a young man’s fiery lusts, find another wife, but leave me in peace to live as I wish. As ransom for my freedom I offer you everything I own: menservants and maidservants, gold and silver, and riches astounding the imagination. Take it all, but set me free.”

“Do you see how God encourages us to exercise self-control?… If He wanted us to share a bed, He would not have taken away our children.”

“It is better to suffer than to give offence. The Divine Scriptures command us to turn the other cheek. Accept my thanks, lady, for your gracious protection, but do not pay back Severus for his injustice. We ask only to be left in peace so that we may continue to feed Christ’s servants, orphans, widows, and paupers, with what is Christ’s.”

“I had a fine home with a beautiful view near a village I owned. Together, house and hamlet constituted the best of my properties. On one side lay the sea, on which ships could be seen sailing and fishermen casting and drawing nets; on the other there were virgin forests full of game, green fields, gardens, and vineyards. Fresh water was provided by a splendid pool and delightful springs, to which came birds of every kind, singing wonderful songs. The adversary put it into my head not to sell that lovely domain, but to keep it as my residence. By the Grace of God, I understood that the foe was leading me astray, and without further hesitation I sold the manor, giving the price to my Christ.”

“We should always keep watch, for we do not know at what hour the thief (that is, death) will come.”
While in Jerusalem, Blessed Melania Prayed every night from sunset to sunrise, locked in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Oh, what fervent Prayers she offered to Christ on bended knee, weeping, embracing the Tomb, and kissing it lovingly!
The blessed one constantly instructed the sisters in moral excellence: firstly in chastity; secondly in love (without which it is impossible to attain perfection in any virtue); afterwards in humility, obedience, patience, and gentleness.
“O Lord God, from the beginning I devoted myself to Thee and loved Thee more than wedlock or wealth, glory or pleasure. From infancy I entrusted my Soul and body to Thee, and from fear of Thee my flesh hath cleaved to my bones. Thy right hand hath directed me, and Thy statutes have ever been my guide. Do Thou hearken unto my voice, and may my tears loose the floods of Thy mercy. Wash away the stains of my voluntary and involuntary sins; permit me to attain unto Thee without hindrance; do not allow the wicked spirits of the air to detain me. O Immortal One, Thou knowest the infirmity of our mortal nature; Thou knowest, O Lover of mankind, that no man is without fault; Thou knowest that we all transgress every day, giving our enemies reason for claiming us as their own. But do Thou, Master, overlook mine offenses and cleanse me, that I may appear spotless before Thy Judgement Seat.”
“May the Lord’s will be done.”