Feast Day: October 5th

The Life of Saint Methodia: Within the pious environment of her island and a family devoted to Christ, as she grew up so did her Faith and religious fervency. She longed and waited for the proper time to devote herself completely to God and the Church…



Apolytikion – First Tone: Let us faithful honour with Hymns the Venerable Saint Methodia, the offspring of Kimolos, the jewel of virtue, and truly the peer of the Goly Ascetics from the earliest times, imitating the deeds of her life beloved by God, crying out: Glory to Him Who gave thee power, Glory to Him Who Crowned thee, Glory to Him Who hath numbered thee, O Holy Mother, in the Choir of the Saints.

“God loves prudent girls and people honour them.”

“Prayer brings the Lord to us.”

“Do not seek only your own good, but also the good of your fellow human beings.”


“God says in the Holy Gospel that whoever follows Him He will not let become wretched, but like a fountain He will pour out His Grace upon him.”

“Hate the corruptible things of this vain world and its pleasures, and follow our Creator.”

“We carnal humans do not turn our minds to death. God tells us to prepare ourselves, because we do not know the hour and the moment.”

“This world is like a dream.”


“Have patience, love and humility.”

“Without humility a man is not saved, no matter how many good deeds he performs. Humility saves man.”


Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy – meditate on these things. –Saint Paul Philippians 4:8


“Whoever loves God with his whole heart receives from Him great Blessings.”

An Icon