Feast Day: December 16th

The Life of Saint Modestos: The animals of a certain man of Jerusalem died, for the spring of water they drank from was poisoned by a snake in cooperation with a demon. The Saint therefore went to this spring, and raised the animals from the dead. Meanwhile he also had the snake put to death, and caused the demon to appear before all those present, and made him swear in the most awesome Name of God, to never approach that place again where the name of Saint Modestos was invoked…



Apolytikion – Tone 3: Thou didst gladden Zion with thy Divine works. Enriched with Apostolic illumination, thou didst serve thy Saviour Venerably. Holy Father Modestos, entreat Christ our God to grant us His great Mercy.

Kontakion – Tone 4: Thou wast a Venerable Hierarch, O Father, and didst serve Christ in Zion by thine angelic life. Therefore thou art glorified, O Modestos, adornment of Patriarchs.

Megalynarion: Rejoice, O radiant star of the Church, and divine protector of holy Zion; rejoice, O God-bearing Hierarch Modestos, our most-fervent intercessor towards the Master.

Saint Modestos was born to elderly parents who had Prayed for a child for forty years of their marriage. Because of his birth, his father was accused of being a Christian and imprisoned. His mother went to the prison with their son, and both his parents Prayed to God to receive their Souls. They are known as the Holy Martyrs Saint Eusebius and Saint Theodouli.



A man in Jerusalem had a spring of water where his animals drank from, but it was poisoned by a snake in cooperation with a demon, and his animals all died. Saint Modestos came to this spring, raised the animals from the dead, and had the snake put to death. Saint Modestos caused the demon to appear before all the people present and made him swear in the most awesome Name of God to never approach the place where the name of Saint Modestos is invoked.