Feast Day: January 24th
The Life of Saint Neophytos the Recluse: The righteous one was tonsured and was clothed in Monastic garments. As soon as the service was completed the blessed one began to weep with joy and to kiss his new robes, all the while fervently Praying that the Lord would give him the Grace to keep his garment pure. Saint Neophytos describes the joy that he felt at that moment in the following words: “Never has anyone been so captivated by their wedding clothing as much as I have by the wearing of the Monastic garment.”…
Saint Neophytos Pray to God for us.
“The memory of death and the fear of God are good things superior to all other good things.”

“I call those rich, who are rich in virtue and self-sufficient when in need.”

“Never has anyone been so captivated by their wedding clothing as much as I have by the wearing of the monastic garment.”

An Icon