Feast Day: January 4th

The Life of Saint Nikephoros: Father Nikephoros lived with indiscriminate, genuine obedience, with austere fasting, working in gardens. He also compiled in a catalogue the miracles of Saint Anthimos, which he had seen with his own eyes…


2020 – The Life of Saint Nikephoros the Leper


Apolytikion: Angels were awestruck by your struggles and your brave Asceticism Venerable Nikephoros the Leper. As another Job in his pain you endured Glorifying God and He arranged for you a Glorious Crown of Miracles. Rejoice you who lead Monastics by the hand, Rejoice projector of light, Rejoice joyful fragrance issuing forth from your Relics.

Kontakion: As the bravest athlete of steadfastness, and the greatest diamond of patience, who was tried by the turmoil of affliction, and thus were Glorified by God, let us honour Nikephoros the Leper, and crying out to him: hail, O namesake of victory.

Doxastikon: The lover of piety, the fighter of the good fight, the cornerstone of patience, come let us honour the Venerable Nikephoros together. For he passed through the fire and water of the scourge of leprosy, and passed on to joyous abundance. And in the furnace of trials you were shone to be bronze, shining more than gold, bestowing upon all Souls the saving joy.   

Doxastikon: The Heavenly ladder raised up through Divine virtues, Nikephoros the Heavenly-minded, who was reared well through the Godly-wise instruction of the great teacher Anthimos. In struggles of righteousness, you were Sanctified on the island of Chios in these latter years, and were shown forth unspeakably shining with sacred wonders for the whole Church. With him, entreat Christ to make us also worthy of Divine illumination in His Kingdom, as an incomparably compassionate Father.

Oikos: You were shown steadfast in Asceticism, O Nikephoros, and endured the pain of leprosy. And therefore in every manner you offered thanksgiving to Him, bringing forth praises from a clean heart, O God-bearer. Therefore we, inspired by your piety, in fervour cry out to you these words: Hail, O strength of continence. Hail, O Atlas of endurance. Hail, you who endured the pain of the flesh with manliness. Hail, you who came to know the beauty of the spirit in wisdom. Hail, the type of the righteous, and diagram of Monastics. Hail, the guide of the faithful in Divine virtues. Hail, the pillar of light enlightening creation. Hail, the lamp of the Church that gladdens Souls. Hail, the boast and beloved son of Crete. Hail, the glory of Chios, and disciple of Anthimos. Hail, you who through leprosy were purified more than gold. Hail, you who kept faith towards Christ, your Bridegroom. Hail, O namesake of victory.

Doxastikon: The Most-sacred treasury of the All-Holy Spirit, more pure in virtues than snow, with Christ’s meekness and humility of heart, the beloved friend, let us magnify Nikephoros. For in his Soul he magnified the Lord, and chanted His sweet words by heart ceaselessly, becoming a mouth of consolation to all. Therefore, he was rightly honoured by Christ, with the unspeakable fragrance of his Relics, ever gladdening those who Venerate them, and who glorify his all-festal memory.

Megalynarion: Come, O divine, Christ-loving multitude, let us adorn the friend of Christ, Nikephoros the Leper, with hymns of praise, as the perfect struggler of Divine steadfastness.





