Feast Day: November 26th
The Life of Saint Nikon: Nikon told the people that true sorrow for one’s sins is cultivated by Prayer, self-denial, almsgiving, ascetical efforts, and by confession to one’s Spiritual Father…

Apolytikion: Lacedaimon doth rejoice with gladness in the Godly Shrine of thy Blest Relics, which doth make streams of healings to overflow and doth preserve from affliction and sore distress all them that hasten, O Father, to thee with faith. Venerable Nikon, intercede with Christ God in our behalf that His Great Mercy may be granted unto us.
Kontakion: Emulating the life of the Angels, thou didst esteem the world’s delights as dross, while showing us the paths of repentance, O Righteous and God-bearing Nikon. Wherefore, as we now celebrate thy Memorial, we honour thee; for thou in truth art a fountain of healings.
