Feast Day: November 10th

The Life of Saint Olga: She was particularly mindful of the troubled women who suffered from domestic violence. She would often ask women in her village to take a steam bath with her, where they could not hide the physical and Spiritual scars of the abuse done to them. She counselled the women and said words of reassurance to each…




Kontakion: O God of our Fathers, ever act with us in accordance with Your kindness. Take not away Your Mercy from us; but through the supplications of Saint Olga, guide our lives in peace.

Troparion: By your righteous deeds, you were revealed to the world as an image of the perfect servant of the Lord in Alaska. By your fasting, vigil and prayers, you were inspired in your evangelical life. You fed the hungry, and you cared for the poor. You served as a midwife, and you brought babies into the world. You nurtured children, and you clothed all those in need. Now, O Holy Olga, you stand at the right-hand of Christ the Master, and you intercede for our Souls.

Saint Olga struggled in the early years of her marriage, but despite the great conflicts she had with her husband, she continually Prayed for him. Her husband began to go to turn to Christ, was Baptised, and he became a Priest.


Saint Olga worked hard raising her children, making Vestments and baking Prosphoras. She would also go to the homes of others to cook and clean for them and also made boots, parkas, socks and mittens for the Parishioners of her husband’s Church. She also travelled with her husband and worked as a midwife for those having babies, and she knew if a lady was pregnant before she knew herself.


Saint Olga was particularly mindful of the troubled women who suffered from domestic violence. She would often ask women in her village to take a steam bath with her, where they could not hide the physical and Spiritual scars of the abuse done to them. She showed great compassion and seneitivity to these women, counselling them and reassuring them, and Praying for them.


