Feast Day: July 12th

The Life of Saint Paisios: He Prayed to God to always enlighten him, so He would guide him according to His Own Will…


2021 – Praying with Saint Paisios
2021 – Saint Paisios Chanting a Hymn for the Dormition of Our Most Holy Theotokos, August 15th 1981


Akathist Hymn


Apolytikion: The offspring of Farasa, and the adornment of Athos, and the imitator of the former Righteous, equal in honour, O Paisios let us honour O faithful, the vessel full of graces, who hastens speedily to those who cry out: Glory to Him Who gave you strength, Glory to Him Who crowned you, Glory to Him Who grants through you healings for all.

Apolytikion: You received in yourself the fire of Godly love, your whole self you then offered to God in Ascesis, and a comfort unto many people you became, offering them your words Divine, working wonders through your Prayers, Paisios, God-bearing Father, and on behalf of the whole world, you ceaselessly entreat, O Righteous One.

Kontakion: The most-famed Ascetic of the Holy Mountain, and the newly-enlightened light of the Church, let us praise him with hymns with all our heart, for he leads the faithful towards a perfect life, filling them with rivers of gifts, therefore we cry out: Hail, O Father Paisios.

Megalynarion: We salute you Father and say Rejoice, for you imitated the Compassion of God the Lord, loving Sacred stillness and filled with the Divine Love, you gave yourself to God and man O Paisios.

Megalynarion: Rejoice the communicant with the Venerable, the pride of Athos, the adornment of Monastics, Rejoice the new teacher of the Church, O Godly-minded Paisios, our boast.

Doxastikon: Comfort, comfort my people, said the Prophet, for our God is a God of consolation. Therefore, you became like God, O God-bearer Paisios, becoming a spring of consolation, for you fed the Souls of those hungry with the bread of your words, and you gave drink to those burning up amidst trials with the water of rest, and clothed those naked of virtues through your virtuous life, becoming a father, and brother and mother to strangers, and through your Prayers, you granted healing, and even after your Repose, you visit them, O Venerable Father, granting them rest through your Prayers. And now, as you have become an inheritor of the Kingdom of Christ, do not cease to be our benefactor, and heal the passions of our Souls and bodies.


O Protector of Australia, vigilant guardian and resplendent pillar of Mount Athos, we the faithful let us praise the Holy Paisios, and beseeching his intercessions before God, crying out with one voice, deliver us, O Father of all, from the arrows of the vengeful one.

2023 – Chant – Saint Paisios the Protector of Australia


2024 – Prayers Chanted to Saint Paisios during the Vigil, Matins & Divine Liturgy at Saint Paraskevi Church
2022 – You visited me in my infirmity and provided me healing beyond all hope.
2021 – From Heaven appear to us O Saint, be our mighty champion.
2020 – Great is the Name of the Holy Trinity, Most Holy Theotokos protect us.









“In Australia, I felt that the country hadn’t been Sanctified yet by the blood of Martyrs and Holy laborers, but that it will be Sanctified.”

Icons, Photos & Videos


Below is an Icon of Saint Paisios together with Saint Peter and Saint Paul.



Footage of Saint Paisios.
Christ is Risen!
Saint Paisios singing Psalm 135.
Saint Paisios with Patriarch Bartholomew.
Saint Paisios talking about Humility.
Life of Saint Paisios.