Feast Day: December 8th
The Life of Saint Patapios: There he devoted himself to a life of Asceticism, cleansing his heart of all Earthly desires and thoughts, for the sake of God’s love…
Apolytikion: Thou didst follow the divine call from thy youth, and illumine the world with the gifts of thy Holy labours. Thou wast made glorious with the grace of dispassion, and dost heal various passions. O Patapios, Venerable Father, Pray to Christ our God to grant us His great Mercy.
Kontakion: Having found thy Church to be a place of spiritual healing, all the people flock with haste thereto, O Saint, and they ask thee to bestow the ready healing of their diseases and forgiveness of the sins they wrought in their lifetime; O Patapios most righteous, in every need, thou art the protector of all.
“Do not be downcast about your problems. Take this Gospel and this Prayer Rope, read, Pray and call upon my name and I will help you. I am Saint Patapios.”


An Icon