Feast Day: February 1st

The Life of Saint Perpetua and Saint Felicitas and those with them: ‘Nor can I’, I said, ‘call myself by any other name than that of Christian.’…



Apolytikion: Your lambs, Perpetua and Felicitas, cry out to you, O Jesus, with great love: “O our Bridegroom, we long for you in great pain, we are crucified with You, and in Baptism we are buried with You. We suffer for Your sake in order to reign with You. We die for You in order to live in You. Accept us as immaculate victims, since we are slain for your sake.” Through their intercessions, O Merciful One, save our Souls.

Saint Perpetua lived in Carthage, North Africa, she was 22 years old, a widow, and had an infant son. She had a brother Saturus and their servants were Saint Felicitas, Revocatus, Saturninus and Secundulus.


They were all Catacheumens, and were arrested for believing in Christ and refusing to worship idols. Saint Perpetua was Baptised after she was arrested.


“My sons, look up to Heaven where Jesus Christ with His Saints expects you. Be faithful in His love, and fight courageously for your Souls.”

Saint Felicitas was eight months pregnant, and gave birth to a baby girl while in prison. She rejoiced because now she could be Martyred, for there was a law forbidding the execution of a pregnant woman.


They were set upon with wild beasts, which did not kill them.


They were beheaded.

