Feast Day: June 29th, the Synaxis of Saint Peter and Saint Paul
& June 30th, the Synaxis of the 12 Apostles
& January 16th
The Life of Saint Peter: Thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build My Church…
John 6: 68
But Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.
Saint Peter witnessed countless Miracles of Jesus Christ, and he is depicted in Icons by the side of Christ as he watched and listened to His every word and action. Some of these Icons include the Entry of Jesus to Jerusalem, the young rich man who spoke with Christ, the poor widow donating money to the Temple, the fig tree that wilted at Christ’s word, and Christ teaching about faith the size of a mustard seed. Saint Peter also witnessed Christ healing countless people from both physical and Spiritual infirmities. Some of these events mentioned in the Gospels are the healing of the Centurion’s son, the nobleman’s son, the Canaanite woman’s daughter, the raising of the daughter of Jairus, and some men from demonic possession. Furthermore, Saint Peter witnessed Christ healing paralytic men, blind men, a woman with a bent back, a man with a withered hand, and a woman with a constant flow of blood. Saint Peter also witnessed Christ resurrecting a widow’s son and Saint Lazarus from the dead, and the complete change of heart and way of life of Saint Zacchaeus due to his contact with Christ and the repenting woman who wiped Jesus’ feet with her tears and hair. Also Saint Peter was present when a woman was preparing the body of Jesus for His burial by anointing Him with Myrrh, and the heartbreaking night before the arrest of Christ, when He asked His Apostles to Pray with Him but they continued to fall asleep. He also witnessed Christ’s Appearance to Saint Thomas following His Resurrection, the Glorious Ascension into Heaven, the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, and the Dormition of Our Most Blessed Mary the Mother of God, her empty Tomb and the many beautiful moments surrounding this occasion.
Saint Peter preached Jesus Christ and wrote two Epistles.
Below is an Icon of Saint Peter together with Saint Paul and Saint Paisios the Athonite.