Feast Day: December 1st
The Life of Saint Philaret: Knowing that many people suffered from poverty, he remembered the words of the Saviour about the dread Last Judgment and about “these least ones”…
Apolytikion: From the inner wealth of a Divine Faith, thou didst deal thy riches to the needy; and thy works of compassion have Glorified Christ, the bestower of mercy, O Philaret; for thy whole life was adorned with a love like His. Intercede for us, O merciful one, that He richly grant great mercy and compassion unto us, the poor.
Kontakion: In all temptations, thou hadst Job’s courageous manliness, and in thy mercy thou didst give thy riches to the poor, being truly a living fountain of almsgiving. By the Holy way of life that thou hast shown to us, thou dost also gladden all that cry to thee with love: Rejoice, O Philaret, faithful servant of Christ our God.