Feast Day: July 8th
The Life of Saint Prokopios: And further, the Lord said to him: “By this Sign that you saw, conquer your enemies and My Peace will be with you.”…
Apolytikion – Tone 1: You were lead towards Heavenly piety, and rejoiced to follow Christ, as Paul, O boast of Martyrs, Prokopios. Therefore by the Power of the Cross, you were perfected excellently, and deposed Belial. Save those who praise you with fervour from his evil, unscathed.
Hymn of Praise by Saint Nikolai Velimirovitch: When it is the Will of the Omniscient God, persecutors become His servants, haters, wonderful Apostles, pagans, zealots for the Faith. By God’s Will, Saul became Paul, Neanias Saint Prokopios. Prokopios, against Christ went, as a Christian, to his mother came. Tortures prepare and himself received tortures, all of a sudden, the truth he recognized, before the Son of God, bowed down, the earthly king, ceased to serve, to the Heavenly King, a servant became. The King of Heaven to him a gift bestowed, the gift of might, the afflicted to help. As at that time, so it is today: By Prokopios, the afflicted are comforted, for today as one time, he helps.
In the third hour of the night there was a strong earthquake and, at that moment, the Lord appeared Saint Prokopios and asked: “Neanias, where are you going and against whom are you rising up?” In great fear, Neanias asked: “Who are You Lord? I am unable to recognize You.” At that moment, a glowing Cross as if of crystal appeared in the air and from the Cross there came a voice saying: “I am Jesus, the Crucified Son of God. By this Sign that you saw, conquer your enemies and My Peace will be with you.”
When he was brought before the court, Neanias removed his commander’s belt and sword and tossed them before the judge showing that he is only a soldier of Christ the King. After great tortures he was cast into prison where the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to him again and Baptized him, giving him the name Prokopios.
One day twelve women came to the prison window of Saint Prokopios and said to him: “We too are the servants of Christ.” They were then also thrown into the same prison and Saint Prokopios taught them the Faith of Christ and particularly about how they will receive the Martyr’s Wreath. After this, those twelve women were greatly tortured and, seeing their suffering and bravery, the mother of Prokopios also believed in Christ and all thirteen were Martyred. In the Marriage Prayers of the Betrothed, Saint Prokopios is mentioned along with Saint Konstantine and Saint Helen.
When Saint Prokopios was led to his Martyrdom, he Prayed to God for all the poor and misfortunate, orphans and widows and especially for the Holy Church that it may grow and spread and that Orthodoxy will shine to the end of time. Saint Prokopios was given a reply from Heaven that his Prayers were heard after which he joyfully laid his head under the sword and went to his Lord in Eternal joy.