Feast Day: June 27th

The Life of Saint Sampson: Settling into a small house, the saint began to take in homeless wanderers, the poor and the sick, and he attended to them. The Lord blessed the efforts of St Sampson and endowed him with the power of wonderworking. He healed the sick not only through being a skilled physician, but also as a bearer of the grace of God.



Troparion: Through your patience, your unceasing Prayer, your love for the poor and the help you gave to them, you became worthy of your reward, O Holy Sampson. Intercede with Christ God that He may save our Souls.

Kontakion: We honour your Relics, for you are an excellent physician and powerful intercessor; as we gather to praise you with Psalms and Hymns, Divinely-wise and Venerable Sampson, we Glorify Christ, Who granted you the Grace of Healing.
