Feast Day: September 25th

& July 5th – Finding of Holy Relics

The Life of Saint Sergius:



Troparion – Tone 4: Athlete of Virtues, true warrior of Christ God, you struggled mightily against the passions in this temporal life; in Psalmody, Vigils, and fasting, you were an example to your Disciples; therefore, the most Holy Spirit dwelt in you, and you were radiantly adorned by His activity. Since you possess boldness before the Holy Trinity, remember the flock which you gathered wisely, and do not forget to visit your children as you promised, O Venerable Sergius our Father.

Troparion – Tone 8: In the purity of your life, you combined the stream of your tears with later Ascetical contests of faith, thereby exuding a Spiritual font, O Venerable Sergius, in which you wash the Spiritual and bodily impurity of all those who lovingly revere your memory. Therefore, we your children cry out to you: “O Father, Pray to the Holy Trinity for our Souls.”

Kontakion – Tone 8: Wounded by love for Christ, O Venerable one, and following Him with unwavering desire, you despised all carnal pleasures, and as the sun, you shone upon the land of your birth. Therefore, Christ has enriched you with the gift of working Miracles. Remember us who honour your most illustrious Memory, that we may call to you: “Rejoice, O Divinely-wise Sergius.”

The parents of Saint Sergius are Saint Cyril and Saint Maria





“Orthodox Christians must steadfastly remain in Orthodoxy, preserve oneness of mind with one another and unhypocritical love, guard purity of Soul and body, reject evil and unclean intentions, temperately partake of food and drink, and above all adorn themselves with humility, not neglect hospitality, refrain from conflicts and not give honour and glory in anything to Earthly life, but instead await a reward from God: the enjoyment of Heavenly goods.”


“If you want to serve God, prepare your heart not for food, not for drink, not for rest, not for ease, but for suffering, so that you may endure all temptations, trouble and sorrow. Prepare for severities, fasts, spiritual struggles and many afflictions, for “by many afflictions is it appointed to us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven” (Acts 14,22); ‘The Heavenly Kingdom is taken by force, and the who use force seize it.’ (Matt 11:12)”







“God’s Grace cannot be given without trials; after tribulation comes joy.”




“Know that if you have come to dwell in the wilderness, the beginning of righteousness is the fear of the Lord.”


Due to the extraordinary bright light Saint Sergius fell down, but the Most Holy Theotokos touched her hands to him, and in blessing him promised always to be Protectress of his holy monastery.


“Brethren, be attentive to yourselves. Have first the fear of God, purity of Soul and unhypocritical love.”


