Feast Day: September 24th

The Life of Saint Silouan the Athonite: Thus he gave himself to God with all his Soul, and in a brief while he not only received the Gift of Unceasing Prayer from the Most Holy Mother of God, but was also granted ineffably to see the Living Christ…



Akathist Hymn

Apolytikion: By Prayer didst thou receive Christ for thy Teacher in the way of humility; and the Spirit bare witness to Salvation in thy heart; wherefore all peoples called unto hope rejoice this day of thy memorial. O Sacred Father Silouan, Pray unto Christ our God for the Salvation of our Souls.

Kontakion: In thine Earthly life thou didst serve Christ, following in His steps; and now in Heaven thou seest Him Whom thou didst love, and abidest with Him according to the promise. Wherefore, O Father Silouan, teach us the path wherein thou didst walk.

Troparion: By thy Prayers thou didst receive Christ as thy Master on the path of humility; and in thy heart the Holy Spirit witnessed unto thy Salvation. For this cause all people called to live in hope are now rejoicing and celebrating thy Memory. O Holy Father Silouan, Pray to Christ to save our Souls.






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Documentary about the Life of Saint Silouan.
Saint Sophrony speaks about the Repose of Saint Silouan the Athonite.

And so we, if we wish to retain Grace, must Pray for our enemies.