Feast Day: June 4th
The Life of Saint Sophia: At length, all her children and husband died when a plague struck. Conspicuous for her love, a resilient Sophia, combined ascetic and civic virtue. She became the mother of orphans and eagerly assisted widows. Her once empty home became a haven for the underprivileged and homeless whom she abundantly served. Within twenty year, she would adopt over one hundred children whom she would raise in the love and admonition of the Lord.
A Prayer
Kontakion – Tone 2: Having discarded a bed for rest, for the sake of your love for God, O Mother Sophia, and illuminating your spirit with fasting, you completely vanquished your enemies; and by your intercessions you destroyed the evil schemes of our adversaries.
Saint Sophia and her husband had six children and she never ceased living a virtuous life and she was never absent from Church Services and she would keep nightly Vigils in her home.

One day a plague struck which killed her husband all all their children. Saint Sophia combined Asceticism and care for others and became the Mother of Orphans and Assistant to the Widows, preferring to give rather than to receive. Her empty home now became a haven for the underpriviledged and homeless. Within a period of twenty years, she adopted over one hundred children whom she raised in the Love of the Lord. Saint Sophia always had tears filling her eyes, and the Psalms of David were always on her lips.
Saint Sophia had a jug full of wine which she would serve to the poor. Because of the Grace of her Hospitality, this jug remained full no matter how much wine Saint Sophia poured out to the poor. She kept this Mystery a secret, but one day, she she told a relative about it, this Miracle ceased to occur.

When she was 53 years old, one year before her Blessed Repose, Saint Sophia was Tonsured a Nun.