Feast Day: January 12th

The Life of Saint Tatiana: They then threw the Saint in prison, where she Prayed all night and sang praises to the Lord with the Angels…



Kontakion – Tone 4: In your sufferings you shone brightly in the royal purple of your blood, and like a beautiful dove you flew to Heaven, passion-bearer Tatiana. Therefore, always Pray for those who honour you.

Saint Tatiana’s father was a secret Christian and raised his daughter to be devoted to God and the Church.


Saint Tatiana wished to remain a Virgin and betrothed herself to Christ. She became a Deaconess and served God in Prayer and fasting and cared for the sick.



Saint Tatiana was arrested for being a Christian.


The tormentors tore Saint Tatiana’s eyes out with hooks while she bravely endured everything and Prayed the Lord would open the Spiritual eyes of her tormentors.


Saint Tatiana made the Sign of the Cross and began to Pray. Then a sudden crash of thinger and lightning struck the idol, the offerings and the pagan priests.




Her father was also executed with Saint Tatiana, because he had raised her to love Christ.