Feast Day: October 28th
The Life of Saints Terence, Neonilla, Sarbelus, Photus, Theodulus, Hierax, Nitas, Bele and Eunice: Having suffered these things, the Saints Prayed, and with a quiet voice they urged one another on towards Martyrdom…
Apolytikion – Tone 3: Bound together by natural bonds, and clothed with the might of Faith, you walked the path of Martyrdom with your seven children. O Holy Martyrs Terence and Neonilla, Pray that those who honour your contest may receive forgiveness of their sins.
Kontakion – Tone 4: Today the Memory of the Martyrs, is bringing gladness to us all. Let us fervently ask them for healing, for they obtained this Grace from the Spirit, to heal the infirmities and sickness of our Souls.
This family were secret Christians and were one day brought before the governor, they Confessed Christ as their True God.

The family were lacerated and their wounds were sprinkled with vinegar and salt, and at the same time they were being burned with a fire under them. Suffering all this, the Holy family were Praying and with quiet voices they encouraged each other towards Martyrdom. Our Lord sent invisible Angels to release them from their bonds and heal their wounds. The Saints were then cast into prison. The following day they were beaten with thick rods and tied to wheels, and then given as food to the wild beasts, but they remained unharmed. They were then put into large cauldrons full of boiling pitch, but this was Miraculously turned into water. They were then beheaded and each received the Crown of Martyrdom.