Feast Day: May 20th

The Life of Saint Thallelaios: The prefect of the city of Aegea sent soldiers to seek out Christians. They brought to him Thallelaeus, an eighteen-year-old blond-haired youth. To the prefect’s questions Saint Thallelaeus replied, “I am a Christian, a native of Lebanon… During a former persecution against Christians in Lebanon, I was brought before the prefect Tiberius, and barely escaped execution. But now that I stand before this court, do with me as you will. I wish to die for Christ my Saviour and my God, and hope to endure all torments with His help.”…



Apolytikion: O Thallelaios, thou didst defeat idolatrous error by thy Martyr’s contest. Thou wast a treasury of healing, freely curing all who run to thy Church with faith, and who cry out with love: Glory to Him Who has strengthened thee; Glory to Him Who has made thee wonderful; Glory to Him Who through thee works healings for all.

Apolytikion: Thallelaios, Saintly champion and Healer, Intercede with Our Merciful God to grant our Souls remission of sins.

Kontakion: With the Martyrs of the Lord thou didst contest and wast shown forth as a valiant soldier of the King of Glory, Who crowned thee for the harsh and bitter tortures that thou didst suffer, trampling down the pride of them that worshipped the idols. O Thalleleus, we therefore praise thine august and Blessed remembrance today.
