Feast Day: September 11th
The Life of Saint Theodora of Vasta: She Prayed: “My Christ, forgive my enemies. Let my body become a Church, my hair a forest of trees, and my blood a spring to water them.”…
Apolytikion: As a most-precious gift, and rational offering, was proved to be, to Christ the God over all, your blood O all-pure one. Therefore Righteous Martyr, Theodora entreat for the remission of sins, salvation of Souls, grant to those who honour your Divine struggles.
Saint Theodora’s village was raided and she wanted to help, so she disguised herself as a male soldier.

Saint Theodora however became badly wounded and before her Blessed Repose she Prayed…
“My Christ, forgive my enemies. Let my body become a Church, my hair a forest of trees, and my blood a spring to water them.”
Afterwards, the local villagers honoured the bravery of Saint Theodora and built a Church at her grave. This Church became a Miraculous Church as the local river changed its direction to pass directly under the Church, and 17 trees grew from the roof, with no visible roots.

Below is an Icon of Saint Theodora together with two Saints that share the same Feast Day of September 11th – Saint Euphrosynos the Cook and Saint Theodora of Alexandria.