Feast Day: February 8th & June 8th
The Life of Saint Theodore: God, however, in His Great Mercy, Willed that the death of Saint Theodore should be as fruitful for those near him as his life was…
Apolytikion: In truth enlisted with the King of the Heavens, thou didst become for Him a noble commander, O Trophy-Bearer and Great Martyr Theodore. With the weaponry of faith didst thou arm thyself wisely and didst utterly destroy all the hordes of the demons, as a Triumphant Athlete of the Lord; wherefore we ever do faithfully call thee Blest.
Kontakion: In courage of Soul, and furnished with the arms of faith, thou tookest in hand the Word of God as though a spear and didst put thy foe to flight, thou great boast of Martyrs, O Theodore; now together with them, O Saint, cease not to entreat Christ our God for all of us.
Doxastikon: Bearing the name of Gifts from God, and the Blessedness of His inheritance, let all of us the faithful praise him, and Bless as is right, Theodore, the brave Great Martyr, the Champion of the world. Intercede therefore to Christ God for our Souls.

Akathist Hymn to Saint Theodore Stratelates and Saint Theodore Tyron
Kontakion: The famed Great Martyrs of the faith, and the joyous lights that noetically beautify the firmament, as true members of the Church, and richly pouring forth rivers of Miracles, Saints Theodore, O faithful, let us praise, as we cry out to them: Rejoice, O pair chosen by God.
