Feast Day: July 8th
The Life of Saint Theophilos: Various manuscripts of his bear witness to his humility, when he says in self-reproach that he is “the sinful and unworthy one,” “wretched, miserable, and tattered,” and a “wretch, guilty of myriads of evils”! The renown of his Holiness drew near him many devotees of Godly life seeking guidance and consolation…
Apolytikion – Tone 4: As a genuine friend of the Saviour, and a fragrant lily of Athos, and a noetic alabaster of Venerable Virtue, with Sacred songs, we praise you Father, reverently we flee, to the odour of your Myrrh, which always gladdens us, we who honour you, Venerable Theophilos.
Kontakion – Tone 3: The Lord wanted people, to know thrice-Blessed one, that your life, was altogether pleasing, He showed us, that your Relic was a source of Myrrh, to all of us, being fragrant as we approach you, for this we honour you, we who entreat you, Venerable Theophilos.
Megalynarion: Becoming full of the odour of Myrrh, Myrrhgushing Father, O Sacred Theophilos, redeem us, from everything foul on the Earth, and rescue us from every unclean passion, I Pray.



Having been administered Holy Unction, he received Holy Communion and, on Sunday July 1548, he reposed, saying: “Lord Jesus Christ, receive my spirit!”