Feast Day: January 3rd

The Life of Saint Thomais: Her comfort at this time was doing good for others and attending Church services, most often at Blachernae, as much as she could, though she was often prevented from these by her husband. She especially did this at night, in order to Pray for the Salvation of the world…



Apolytikion – Fourth Tone: The troubles of your life, as a rational offering, you offered to Christ, and the power of your Miracles, O Venerable one, shined forth. Therefore as a a Divine example of Marriage, we sing praises to you O Thomais, and faithfully cry out: Rejoice revered ornament of the island of Lesvos.

Kontakion – Fourth Tone: You bore much pain and maltreatment, all-wondrous Thomais, with strength in Christ; wherefore you were worthily Glorified and received the Crown of the Saints.

Megalynarion: Contending in the pains of Martyrdom, Venerable Thomais, you put to shame the enemy, wherefore were you glorified richly by God, and dispense to those who ask you, your aid.

Saint Thomais was very pious and virtuous, and when she was pressured to marry, her husband treated her horribly. Her husband would severly beat her every day, kick, slap, mock, and burn her among other torments. Saint Thomais endured this temptation for 13 years with Prayer, patience, charity, and thanksgiving to God. She found comfort in attending Church at night to Pray for the Salvation of the world.


