Feast Day: April 13th
The Life of Saint Thomais: Saint Thomais replied: “Even if you cut me to pieces, I shall not stray from the Lord’s Commandments.”…
Troparion – Tone 3: Your Holy Martyr Thomais, O Lord, through her suffering has received an incorruptible Crown from You, Our God. For having Your strength, she laid low her adversaries, and shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through her intercessions, save our Souls!
Kontakion – Tone 2: You appeared as a bright star announcing Christ with your radiance, which is repulsive to this world, O Martyr Thomais; extinguishing the allure of false gods, you enlighten the faithful, always interceding for us all.
Saint Thomais was a pious Christian and she loved to read Spiritual books. When she was 15 years old, she married a fisherman who was also a Christian, and they lived in the home of her husband’s family. One night when her husband was out fishing, the father-in-law of Saint Thomais was captivated by her beauty and attempted to sin with her. However Saint Thomais admonished him, and spoke to him of the Last Judgement and sin. The father-in-law became furious and grabbed his sword, threatening to cut off her head. Before he cut her in two, Saint Thomais said:
“Even if you cut me to pieces, I shall not stray from the Lord’s Commandments.”

Saint Daniel of Skete was in Alexandria at the time and told the Monks of the Oktokaidekaton Monastery to bury the Martyr’s body in the Monastery cemetery. The Monks were scandalised to bury the body of a woman with the Monks. Saint Daniel replied: “She is a mother to me and to you, because she died for her chastity.” After the funeral Saint Daniel returned to Skete and one of his Monks confessed he was being tormented by carnal passions. Saint Daniel told him to go to the grave of the Martyr Thomais and Pray there. As he was Praying at her grave, the Monk fell into a light sleep and Saint Thomais appeared to him and said: “Father, receive my blessing and go in peace.” When the Monk awoke he felt joy and peace in his Soul, and after this he no longer was bothered by the temptations of the flesh. Hearing this, Saint Daniel exclaimed: “Great is the boldness of those who have struggled for chastity.”