Feast Day: January 24th
The Life of Saint Xenia: The elderly little woman spent her nights in an open field, Praying and making prostrations in all four directions, and she did this no matter what the season or weather…

Apolytikion: In thee, O wandering stranger, Christ the Lord hath given us an ardent intercessor for our kind. For having received in thy life sufferings and grief and served God and men with love, thou didst acquire great boldness. Wherefore, we fervently hasten to thee in temptations and grief, crying out from the depths of our hearts: Put not our hope to shame, O Blessed Xenia.
Kontakion: Having been as a wandering stranger on earth, sighing for the Heavenly homeland, thou wast known as a fool by the senseless and unbelieving, but as Most Wise and Holy by the faithful, and wast Crowned by God with Glory and Honor, O Xenia, manly-minded and Divinely wise. Wherefore, we cry to thee: Rejoice, for after Earthly wandering thou hast come to dwell in the Father’s House.
Kathisma: With that rending of heart at thy husband’s death came the tearing-away of the heavy veil of life’s deep deceitfulness and its transient vanity; and by sorrow illumined in Soul to seek after Christ, thou didst win Him as Bridegroom, betrothed to Him by His Cross. Now, as thou enjoyest Grace and Life Everlasting and boldness before the Lord, Mother Xenia, remember us, who sing thy praise while crying out: Intercede with Christ our God that forgiveness of all their transgressions be granted to them that with longing keep thy Holy memory.
Oikos: Who is this knocking upon the Gates of the Kingdom of the Heavens, her garments white, her face shining brighter than the sun? Where doth she come from, asking for such great things? It is the daughter of the Heavenly Father, the faithful handmaid of the Son of God, and the chosen Vessel of the Holy Spirit, who hath been wandering on the Earth like a stranger. Now is she translated to the Heavenly homeland; wherefore, quickly open the doors for her, and greet her with rejoicing, crying out: Rejoice, O Xenia, for after Earthly wandering thou hast come to dwell in the Father’s House.





