Feast Day: January 26th
The Life of Saint Xenophon, Saint Maria, Saint Arcadius and Saint John: The members of this family pleased God until the end of their days and were deemed worthy of abundant Blessings of Grace. Saint John and Saint Arcadius shone for many years as chief luminaries among the dwellers of the desert. Both knew beforehand their day of departure to the Lord. Saint Mary performed numerous miracles, giving sight to the blind and expelling demons. Following her blessed repose, her Soul was transported to the Heavenly realm. God also gave the Venerable Xenophon power to work Miracles and granted him the vision of great Mysteries which eye hath not seen…
Apolytikion – Tone 3: Radiant with love and having mortified the passions, you were shown forth as Victors, O Saints. You rightly hated all Earthly delights and glory, and became partakers of Heavenly Grace. O Glorious Xenophon with thine august Companions, intercede for our Souls.
Kontakion – Tone 4: Thou didst keep Vigil in the courts of the Lord with thy wife and children, O Blessed one, and didst gladly lavish thy wealth on the poor. Wherefore you have all inherited Divine joy.
