Feast Day: January 4th

Luke 10:1

“After these things the Lord appointed seventy others also, and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go.”


Troparion: Holy Apostles of the Seventy, entreat the Merciful God to grant our Souls forgiveness of transgressions.

Kontakion: O faithful, let us praise with Hymns the Choir of the Seventy Disciples of Christ. They have taught us all to Worship the Undivided Trinity, for they are Divine Lamps of the Faith.

Hymn of Praise to The Seventy Holy Apostles: O knights of the Cross, sons of light, you have not yet passed, O children of the future, for you are not dead, as Christ is not, but lives with life that never decays. The Lord, You the Wreath-giver, beautifully crowned you because His Name, you loudly proclaimed before emperors and princes, before executioners terrible. God, you served; but with torment, the world repaid You. You walked after Christ, O bees of Christ! The world you filled with honey; the vessels you filled! Souls you alleviated; passions you calmed, with Evangelical sweetness you sweetened life, with the aroma of Christ, you censed the Earth, salt, light and incense to the world, you were. Seventy Companions, all with the same love, as branches with the tree, with Christ, you were attached; Seventy Stars, around the Sun – Christ, and there, the Angels are and the Virgin All-Pure, there, unutterable delight, joy unseen, Glorious Victors of this transitory time. Holy Apostles, glory and thanks be to you. From your blood, justice blossomed.

The names of the 70 Apostles are:

Saint Iakovos (James) the Brother of the Lord

Saint Mark the Evangelist

Saint Luke the Evangelist

Saint Cleopas, and Saint Simeon his son (April 27)

Saint Barnabas

Saint Joses, or Joseph, named Barsabas or Justus (October 30)

Saint Thaddeus (August 21)

Saint Ananias

Saint Stephen the Protomartyr and Archdeacon

Saint Philip the Deacon

Saint Prochorus the Deacon (July 28)

Saint Nicanor the Deacon (July 28 and December 28)

Saint Timon the Deacon (July 28 and December 30)

Saint Parmenas the Deacon (July 28);

Saint Timothy (January 22);

Saint Titus (August 25);

Saint Philemon (November 22 and February 19);

Saint Onesimus (February 15);

Saint Epaphras and Saint Archippus (November 22 and February 19);

Saint Silas, Saint Silvanus, Saint Crescens (July 30)

Saint Crispus and Saint Epaenetos (July 30)

Saint Andronicus and Saint Junia

Saint Stachys, Saint Amplias, Saint Urban, Saint Narcissus, Saint Apelles (October 31)

Saint Aristobulus (October 31 and March 16)

Saint Herodion or Rodion (April 8 and November 10)

Saint Agabus, Saint Rufus, Saint Asyncritus, Saint Phlegon (April 8 )

Saint Hermas (November 5, November 30 and May 31)

Saint Patrobas (November 5)

Saint Hermes (April 8)

Saint Linus, Saint Gaius, Saint Philologus (November 5)

Saint Lucius (September 10)

Saint Jason and Saint Sosipater

Saint Olympas or Olympanus (November 10 )

Saint Tertius (October 30 and November 10 )

Saint Erastos (November 30)

Saint Quartus (November 10 )

Saint Euodius (September 7)

Saint Onesiphorus (September 7 and December 8)

Saint Clement (November 25)

Saint Sosthenes (December 8)

Saint Apollos (March 30 and December 8)

Saint Tychicus and Saint Epaphroditus (December 8)

Saint Carpus (May 26)

Saint Quadratus (September 21)

Saint Mark (September 27), called John and Saint Zeno (September 27)

Saint Aristarchus, Saint Pudens and Saint Trophimus

Saint Mark the nephew of Barnabas and Saint Artemas (October 30)

Saint Aquila and Saint Pricilla

Saint Fortunatus (June 15)

Saint Achaicus (January 4)

There are two more Apostles of the Seventy: Saint Cephas, to whom the Lord appeared after the Resurrection (1 Cor. 15:5-6), and Simeon, called Niger (Acts 13:1). They also were glorified by Apostolic preaching.
