Feast Day: Bright Tuesday (Tuesday after Pascha)

The Life of the 179 Martyred Fathers of Pantokratoros Monastery in Ntaou Penteli: On Pascha, during the Midnight Service, after the final “Christ is Risen!” was joyfully chanted by the Fathers following the Divine Liturgy, the pirates stormed into the Katholikon…




Apolytikion: As the sanctified lambs of the Lord chosen from various places, and gathered into your flock, O Pantokrator, you were therefore put to death violently by barbarians, and rejoicing, you proceeded to the Heavenly mansions. Therefore, O Venerable Martyrs of Christ, you ever entreat on behalf of our Souls.

Kontakion: You took upon yourselves the Cross of the Lord, O Fathers, and shine like precious stones through your Asceticism. Therefore, to the barbarians you cry out: “The Lord is Risen!”

Doxastikon: After Your Life-Giving Resurrection, O Master Christ, You Mystically appeared to Your greatly-burdened Disciples who had returned to work, and You Blessed their labours, and their nets were straightway filled with a multitude of 153 fish. While on the light-bearing day of Your Resurrection, You gathered a similar number unharmed from the Monastery of the Pantokrator of Your Crown-Bearing and God-Bearing Martyred Fathers. As they stand among us as communicants of Your [Mystical] Supper, they offer up intercessions on behalf of us to You the true Fish [O Christ], and send down richly upon us Your Mercy.