Feast Day: March 25th

Gospel Reading: Luke 1:24-38

She looks up to Heaven and she says my God, may I become worthy to become the servant of this virgin.


The Akathist Hymn

Awed by the beauty of thy Virginity and the exceeding radiance of thy Purity, Gabriel called out unto thee, O Theotokos: What worthy hymn of praise can I offer unto thee? And what shall I name thee? I am in doubt and stand in awe. Wherefore as commanded, I cry to thee: Rejoice, O Full of Grace.

Apolytikion: Today marks the crowning of our Salvation and the revelation of the Mystery before all ages. For the Son of God becomes the Son of the Virgin, and Gabriel proclaims the Grace. Wherefore, we also cry out with him, “Hail, O Full of Grace, the Lord is with you.”

Kontakion: To you, Theotokos, invincible Defender, having been delivered from peril, I, your city, dedicate the victory festival as a thank offering. In your irresistible might, keep me safe from all trials, that I may call out to you: “Hail, Unwedded Bride!”

Chant: O Theotokos and Virgin, Rejoice, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, for thou hast borne the Saviour of our Souls.

Only perfect dove, who brought forth the Lord of mercy as an olive branch, Ever-virgin Mary, rejoice! You are the boast of devout Monastic Saints. Rejoice! You are the glory of the Holy Martyrs. Rejoice! And the Righteous pride themselves in knowing you. We the faithful have you as our rescuer.

Now the Archangel Gabriel is entrusted the Mystery which even to Angels was hidden and unknown. And he shall presently come to you, the dove that alone is fair and completely undefiled, restoration of humankind, and shall say to you: “Rejoice, O All-holy one! Make ready through a word to grant admission into your womb unto God the Word.”

O All-blameless one, presently shall the Archangel Gabriel come to you perceptibly and shall say to you, “Rejoice, deliverance from the curse, the raising of fallen man! O rejoice! For only you among women are rightly called chosen one of God. Living cloud of the Sun, rejoice, and welcome in your womb the Uncontainable, Whose perfect will is to dwell therein.”

Gabriel annunciates good tidings today to her who is full of grace: “Rejoice, O Maiden unmarried and unwed. Be not astonished by my strange appearance, nor be dismayed. For an Archangel am I. The serpent once beguiled Eve, but I am now announcing to you the joy. You shall remain inviolate, and yet shall bear the Lord, O Immaculate.”

Archangel Gabriel is Panagia’s Angel.



The Holy Icon of the Annunciation and Saint Pelagia of Tinos
