Feast Day: January 6th

About the Holy Theophany: After arriving at thirty years of age, our Lord wanted to manifest Himself to people that He was God in body. When the Lord was baptized by John, God the Father testified from above with His voice and the occurrence of the Holy Spirit, that He was His Son truly and consubstantially. From that moment He became known to all…


2024 – Today the darkness of the world vanishes with the appearance of Our God


Apolytikion: When Thou wast baptized in the Jordan, O Lord, the worship of the Trinity made its appearance. For the Voice of the Father bore witness to Thee, when He called Thee His beloved Son. And the Spirit in the form of a dove, confirmed the truth of the word. O Christ our God, Who hast appeared and hast enlightened the world, Glory to Thee.

Kontakion: Thou hast appeared today to the world, and Thy Light, O Lord, has been marked upon us, who with full knowledge sing to Thee. Thou hast come, Thou hast appeared, O unapproachable Light.

Oikos: A great light has shone on Galilee of the Gentiles, on the land of Zebulon and the land of Nephthali, as the Prophet said. It is Christ, a bright Dawn appearing as lightning from Bethlehem to those who sat in darkness. The Lord born from Mary, the Sun of Righteousness, sheds His rays on the whole inhabited Earth. Come then, naked children of Adam; let us clothe ourselves in Him, that we may be warmed; for He Who covers the naked and enlightens those in darkness, has come. He has appeared, the unapproachable Light.

Exapostilarion: The Saviour Who is Grace and Truth, has appeared in the streams of the Jordan, and illumined those sleeping in darkness and shadow. For He, the unapproachable Light, has come and is made manifest.


Where else was Your Light to shine if not among those who seek in darkness?
Drink Holy Water, the more often, the better. It is the best and most effective medicine.
To the flowing streams today of River Jordan comes the Lord…
That Thou mightest make us sons of God by Grace.
I have baptised you with water but He will Baptise you with the Holy Spirit.