Feast Day: July 2nd
About the Deposition of the Precious Robe of Our Theotokos: In the inner part of her house they saw that Christians were offering many lamps and incense. When they inquired of this, they learned that in that room was the Honourable Robe, namely the outer garment of the Lady Theotokos. Wherefore they asked the woman permission to do a vigil there all night…
Apolytikion: O Ever-Virgin Mother of God, shelter of mankind, thou hast given a powerful legacy to thy people, thine immaculate body’s robe and cloak which remain incorrupt through thy pure childbirth. For in thee time and nature are renewed, and we implore thee to obtain peace for the world and great mercy for our Souls.
Kontakion: Thou hast given the covering of thy pure body as an incorrupt garment for all the faithful, and as shelter for all mankind, O Pure Lady, Mother of God. We celebrate its placing in Blachernae and cry to thee with fear and love: O Virgin, boast of Christians, rejoice.
When Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos announced her most joyous news of her Dormition to her close friends, she began to prepare herself to meet Our Lord and she gave one of her garments to two of her friends.