Feast Day: August 31st
Apolytikion: O Ever-Virgin Theotokos, Shelter of mankind, thou hast bestowed upon thy people a mighty investure, even thine immaculate body’s raiment and sash, which by thy seedless childbirth have remained incorrupt; for in thee nature and time are made new. Wherefore, we implore thee to grant peace to the world, and great mercy to our Souls.
Kontakion: Thy precious sash, O Theotokos, which encompassed thy God-receiving womb, is an invincible force for thy flock, and an unfailing treasury of every good, O only Ever-Virgin Mother.
Hymn: O Lady and Queen of all, deliver your people and flock from every danger, by the power and grace of your all-precious, Divine Belt, which we with faith and longing glorify.
Saint Thomas, by the Providence of God, was not present for the Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos. Arriving on the third day, he was in pain that he did not have the opportunity to say goodbye to Panagia. The Apostles opened the tomb so Saint Thomas could venerate her Holy body. To their amazement, the tomb was empty except for Panagia’s burial clothes. That evening the Holy Apostles saw Our Most Holy Mother of God, and said said to them: “Rejoice, for I am with you all the days.” Ascending to Heaven, Our Most Holy Mother of God removed her Holy Belt and gave it to Saint Thomas. The Holy Belt of Our Most Holy Mother of God is kept on Mount Athos. It remains a source of Miraculous Healings and Blessings for us all.

All Holy Theotokos Save us!

Sacred Tradition tells us that Our Panagia made the Belt herself from camel hair.

Today the Holy Belt of Our Panagia is kept in the Holy Monastery of Vatopedi on Mount Athos. It remains an outpouring source of Miracles, as Our Panagia said that evening to the Apostles when she ascended to Heaven: “Rejoice, for I am with you all the days.” Our Panagia has Miraculously helped many people through her Holy Belt, especially couples who have difficulty conceiving.

Vigil 2023
