Feast Day: October 1st and October 28th
About the Vision of the Holy Protection: When she had Prayed, with beautiful dignity she removed her veil which she wore on her all-immaculate head, which appeared like a flash of lightning, and took it in her all-immaculate hands – it was large and awe-inspiring – and spread it over all the people that were standing there…

Apolytikion: O Virgin, we extol the great grace of thy Protection, which thou didst spread out like bright cloud beyond all understanding; for thou dost invisibly protect thy people from the foe’s every assault. Since we have thee as our shelter and certain help, we cry to thee with our whole Soul: Glory to thy great deeds, O Most Pure Maid. Glory to thy shelter Most Divine. Glory to thy care and providence for us, O spotless one.
Kontakion: Let us the faithful hasten to the Theotokos now and venerate her Sacred Veil, as we chant unto her, singing hymns to praise and honour her, as is fitting; for she sheltereth with her shelter and all her faithful flock and preserveth them unharmed from all calamities, as they cry to her; Rejoice, Protection Most Radiant.
Kontakion: Today the Virgin stands in the midst of the Church and with Choirs of Saints she invisibly Prays to God for us. Angels and Bishops worship, Apostles and Prophets rejoice together, since for our sake she Prays to the pre-eternal God.
Beneath your tender mercy we flee, Birthgiver of God. Reject not our Prayer in our trouble, but deliver us from harm, Only Pure and Blessed Lady.
All those do you shelter, O good one, those who in their faith flee unto you,… My one and my every hope, now I entrust in you, O Mother of God, guard me with care within your sheltered arms.
By Saint Nikolai Velimivoric: “…She was clad in gold-encrusted purple and shone with an unspeakable radiance, surrounded by the Holy Apostles, Saints, Martyrs and virgins. Seeing this vision, Saint Andrew gestured towards it and asked Epiphanius: ‘Do you see how the Queen and Lady of all is Praying for the whole world?’ Epiphanius replied: ‘Yes, Father; I see it and stand in dread.’
When a night-long Doxology was held in the Holy Soros at Blachernae blessed Andrew was in attendance, behaving in his usual way. Epiphanios was also present, and with him one of his servants. Blessed Andrew was wont to stand there as long as his zeal gave him strength, sometimes until midnight, sometimes until morning. When it was already the fourth hour of the night he saw the Most Holy Theotokos appear in full sight, very tall, from the Royal Doors,

escorted by an awe-inspiring retinue in which there were, among others, the Honorable Forerunner and the Son of Thunder, holding her by the hand on both sides, and many other Holy men in white robes accompanied her, some going before her, others following her, singing hymns and spiritual songs.
As she approached the ambo the blessed man went up to Epiphanios and said: “Do you see the Lady and Mistress of the world?” He answered: “Yes, my spiritual father.” And before their eyes she knelt and Prayed for a long while, besprinkling with tears her Godlike and all-immaculate face. Having finished her Prayer she went into the Sanctuary, Praying there for the people standing around. When she had Prayed, with beautiful dignity she removed her Veil which she wore on her all-immaculate head, which appeared like a flash of lightning, and took it in her all-immaculate hands – it was large and awe-inspiring – and spread it over all the people that were standing there.

For a long while the admirable men saw it stretched over the people, radiating the Glory of the Lord like amber.

As long as the Most Holy Theotokos was there the Veil was also visible, but when she had withdrawn they could no longer see it. No doubt she had taken it away with her, but her grace she left to those who were there.


Our Mother is the Protectress and Defender of the Christian people. Her help has been clearly shown numerous times to the Holy Church, including both in times of peace and war, to both Monastics and crowded cities.