“When people are empty of Christ, a thousand and one other things come and fill them up: jealousies, hatreds, boredom, melancholy, resentment, a worldly outlook, worldly pleasures. Try to fill your Soul with Christ so as not to have it empty. Your Soul is like a cistern full of water. If you channel the water to the flowers, that is, to the virtues, you will experience true joy and all the thorns of evil will wither away. But if you channel the water to the weeds, these will grow and choke you and all the flowers will wither.”

“Do not fight to expel darkness from the chamber of your Soul. Open a tiny aperture for the light to enter, and the darkness will disappear.”

“However hard the devil may try, he cannot enter and dwell in the Soul that is wholly occupied by Christ, because he cannot fit; there is no empty place for him.”
“With Christ a person is filled with Grace and so lives above evil. Evil does not exist for him. There is only good, which is God. Evil cannot exist. While there is light there cannot be darkness. Nor can darkness encompass him because he has the Light.”