Feast Day: May 17th
& Saint Andronicus July 30th
& January 4th, Synaxis of the 70 Apostles
The Life of Saint Andronicus and Saint Junia: Andronicus had been ordained the bishop of Pannonia, but did not remain in one place. Junia was an assistant of Andronicus in his mission, having cut herself off completely from worldly things and followed Christ. Both brought many unbelievers to the knowledge of the True God. Having destroyed many temples of idols, they built everywhere they went Christian Churches…
Apolytikion – Tone 2: You shone forth as Apostles and heralds of Christ, sowing the preaching of Grace among all men. Therefore we praise you, illustrious Andronicus and Junia, as we exalt Christ our God.
Kontakion – Tone 2: Let us praise these two Apostles of Christ, Andronicus the star who enlightened the heathen, and Junia his fellow labourer; and let us cry: Intercede to Christ our God unceasingly for us all.
