Feast Day: February 13th,

& January 4th, Synaxis of the 70 Apostles

& Saint Aquila July 14th

The Life of Saint Aquila and Saint Priscilla: Paul loved these two Apostles so much, first because of their Virtue and also because of their Faith in Christ, that he refers to them three times in his Epistles…


Apolytikion: As a disciple and companion of Paul, you received in your Soul the Grace of preaching. You shone in the night of error and struggled for the Lord’s Glory. Sacred minister of the Saviour, Aquila, we all acclaim you.

Kontakion: The Church has acquired you, O Aquila, who shine like a great sun. With the splendour of your teaching, she enlightens those who honour you with faith, glorious Apostle of the Lord.



