Feast Day: September 7th
The Life of Saint Daniel of Katounakia: For fifty years in Katounakia with his words, writings and paintbrush he created a famous house of virtue, Iconography, writing, music and hospitality. His door was always open for everyone to find rest. He became a physician, a guide, a liberator of those people who suffer, who are in error, who are troubled, who are distressed. He did not tire to keep Vigil all night and write letters and studies to support and enlighten his beloved brethren…
Apolytikion: You lived a chaste way of life on Athos, O adornment of Katounakia, and Daniel, who became like God, as you tirelessly gathered sweet honey from the crags like a bee, O wise one. Therefore, we who have all been nourished by your graces partake of your favour.
Kontakion: The follower of the virtue and discernment of the Venerable Athonite Fathers let us praise, who shown forth with wisdom and self-control, as an unerring guide to the faithful in mind, who became all things to everyone. Let us cry out to Daniel, who is beloved of Christ: Rejoice, O Venerable one.
Megalynarion: Rejoice, the rule of discernment, O Daniel, the newly-shining adornment of the Fathers. Rejoice, you who ceaselessly lived the Monastic life, and guided to the life to come, O Athonite of Godly mind.
Oikos: Desiring the things of Heaven, O Daniel, you wisely lived your life, and therefore, you despised all things that pass away, and in Katounakia, inclined your nous towards the Lord, rousing the choirs of ascetics to cry out to you: Rejoice, pearl of Athos. Rejoice, director towards wisdom. Rejoice, sweetly-singing swallow of self-control. Rejoice, fellow dweller with the noetic armies. Rejoice, precious offspring of Smyrna, who was deified through Asceticism. Rejoice, sweet and refreshing drink from the Divine Spring. Rejoice, radiance of those who live in asceticism on Athos. Rejoice, joy of the Sacred Fathers of the desert. Rejoice, ever-radiant light-house of purity, Rejoice, golden tower of estrangement [from the world]. Rejoice, friend of the Sacred Nektarios, Rejoice, lamp of the Choir of Ascetics. Rejoice, O Venerable Daniel.
A Prayer: Christ, Whom you Hymned in Asceticism on Athos, You now Hymn with your lips, O Daniel, in Heaven.

Saint Daniel practiced the art of Iconography and handed it over to the brotherhood, which continues to practice it to this day.
Many people including Saint Amphilochios of Patmos and Saint Philotheos Zervakos, sought advice and Spiritual directions from Saint Daniel for their Spiritual life. Saint Nektarios of Pentapolis also had a great relationship with Saint Daniel.

This Skull belongs to, Monk Daniel of Smyrna in Asia Minor. He died on 9/8/1929, and awaits the Resurrection of the dead.

“Without fasting neither pure Prayer will be attained nor chaste virginity achieved, nor will the Christian not subjugating his body through the suitable means of fasting be able to bear the Cross of Our Saviour Jesus and follow Him. He, Our Saviour Jesus, fasted forty days and nights as an example for us. And when? After His Baptism. This shows us that all Baptized Christians are obliged to fast according to their strength.”
“When A Christian attains to purity of heart, then he fulfills all the Commands of the Lord, and then “he sees God” (Matt. 5:7), that is, he beholds clearly in his heart the workings of the Holy Spirit, from which he is enlightened to become an unwavering guide of others, and understands the hidden sayings of the divine Scriptures, and the nature not only of beings, but also the nature of truth; and in consequence he arrives at clear-sightedness, foresight, and dispassion, from which comes the action of Divine revelations and Miracles.”
“When you are in Church, be entirely concentrated on listening to the Divine Liturgy, so that the Grace of the Holy Spirit will enter your heart.”