Below are some Icons of Saints of our Century, some of which lived on Earth during our lifetime! You can see Saint Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia together with Saint Paisios the Athonite, Saint Iakovos of Evia, and Saint Joseph the Hesychast, Saint Nikephoros the Leper, Saint Nektarios of Aegina, Saint Nicholas Planas, Saint Sophia Kleisoura, Saint Amphilochios Makris, Saint Evmenios the New, Saint Arsenios of Cappadocia, Saint Kosmas Aitolos, Saint George Karslides of Drama, Saint Sophrony of Essex, Saint Ephraim of Katounakia, Saint Daniel of Katounakia, Saint Anthimos of Chios, and Saint Luke Archbishop of Simferopel





When Saint Nektarios of Aegina met Saint Amphilochios of Patmos he asked him what his greatest desire was. Saint Amphilochios responded simply “I wish that everybody would become Monastics.”



By Monk Simon – Elder Evmenios once told me that the Third World War would have taken place, in the area of Russia, namely Ukraine, and he also said this later when we went on a Pilgrimage to Russia. “We were all at the forefront,” he told us. “What do you mean ‘we!?” “All of us, Father Porphyrios was there, Father lakovos was there, Father Paisios was there, all of us Monks went to the forefront.” He was talking about another “forefront”, a Spiritual one. “And I was weeping, weeping…” he continued to tell us. “Father Porphyrios saw me and told me: ‘Do not weep like that, Father Evmenios, nothing will happen. The Panagia will be merciful.’ We understand by this, that Father Evmenios was in the company of Holy people. They knew each other. [They were all among the living at this time in different parts of Greece, but kept company through Prayer and by the Grace of the Holy Spirit.]