Feast Day: January 20th
& June 20th – Transfer of their Holy Relics
The Life of Saint Inna, Saint Pinna and Saint Rimma: Being disciples of the Apostle Andrew, they helped convert many Goths who had settled around the Danube River…
Troparion: As disciples of the First-Called, you were the first-called of the Slavs, and because you enlightened your brethren with the Light of Truth, you received a cruel death at the hands of a savage and godless prince, bound by frost and ice on the Danube River in the land of Scythia. But since you lay down your lives for your friends, O Saints Innas, Pinnas, and Rimmas, you offer your most powerful Prayers for us, and once again all the Slavic peoples are converting to Christ.
Kontakion: A great exploit of faith; bound by the ice, as if by the water of rest, Saints Innas, Pinnas, and Rimmas rejoiced, but the torturer, in his foolish frenzy, tried to destroy the fruits of their vineyard; nevertheless to this day, Christ accepts Holy clusters from the Slavic peoples, and Crowns the Slavic Protomartyrs with Crowns. Therefore, as the children of the faithful you nurtured, we thank and implore you, O Saints: “By your Prayers, fervently entreat Him, so that we also, in the Spirit of Gruth, may be zealous for God.”
On October 30, 1950 Archbishop Luke of Simferopol and All Crimea wrote in a document titled “To all the Priests of the Archdiocese of Simferopol and Crimea”:
“I ask you, all-worthy fathers, to remember the Holy Martyrs Inna, Rimma and Pinna in Dismissal Prayers because they have to be considered as Saints of Crimea. They are very ancient Martyrs.”