Saint Daniel of Katounakia had an important acquaintance, friendship and correspondence with Saint Nektarios of Pentapolis. Their relationship begun when Saint Nektarios visited the Holy Mountain, and their mutual correspondence, guidance and Prayer for each other made this great Spiritual friendship.

During the time Saint Nektarios experienced great slander and was a scapegoat of the ecclesiastical leadership of his time, he found relief in his friendship with Saint Daniel. Saint Daniel also received much support from Saint Nektarios in the construction of his hermitage and considered him a “builder and father and abbot of the holy community.”

Saint Daniel would often receive a copy of Saint Nektarios’ books inscribed by his hand, some have been preserved to today in the Library of the Danielioi including Christology, Know Thyself, Pandects of Antioch, Priest’s Handbook, and Theotokarion, have been preserved up to today in the Library of the Danielioi. In a letter Saint Nektarios signed “Finishing, I embrace your brotherly love, and remain the suppliant before God, Nektarios of Pentapolis. P.S. By the bearer I am also sending you my two new works, the two volumes On Schism and my two studies on the Church and Holy Tradition.”

Another letter he wrote… “I was slow to answer your most noble letter, because I also wanted to send you a little keepsake as a sign of love. As the smallest token I am sending you our enclosed photograph and one of our works, the sacred Christology, which treats of the Divine character and work of Our Saviour Jesus Christ.”

Saint Nektarios was also helped by Saint Daniel. In one of his letters he asks concerning his women’s Monastery in Aegina: “You would oblige us greatly if you would be pleased to write some Spiritual word to the virgins for their encouragement. A dictated epistle by you on action and contemplation would be a strengthening for them in this living teaching, a true Spiritual delight and support.” Saint Daniel responded with the “Epistle on Monastic Forms”, in this letter he speaks about obedience, poverty, chastity and Prayer in great depth. below are two quotes from this Epistle…

Elder Daniel, performing a work of obedience and love, responded with the “Epistle on Monastic Forms.” In this letter he does not only deal in general and abstract terms with obedience, poverty, chastity, prayer, etc., but goes deeper:

“When a Sister at the time of Prayer smells any kind of fragrance, or sees an interior or exterior light, or the appearance of an Angel or Saint, or Christ, do not accept such a vision, whether they occurred during sleep or wakefulness, because by such fantasies the evil demon has lead many astray.”

“If at any time by the envy of the demon there arises a scandal between two sisters, then much exertion is required that the one may forestall (the other) by means of silence, and cease the thoughtless justifications which the demon of accursed quarrels introduces, casting the blame upon herself (even if she has done no wrong), and saying to the other: ‘Bless, forgive me for Christ’s sake, for I spoke as a foolish one.’ This, however, the younger one should do. But when the younger one appears perverse and does not keep in sight the (saying) ‘Know Thyself’, then let the other do it, as being the wiser, that she might gain the weaker one…. But never let the sun go down without a proper reconciliation.”

Saint Nektarios once resposned to Saint Daniel, who experienced a great deceit from a supposed-God-pleasing man, in a letter saying “Brother in Christ, the trials to which, entirely by Divine economy, you are submitted, will send you great Spiritual profit. Informed by my heart, I say to you that today you are more perfect than you formerly were. Therefore I beg you: cease sorrowing, and Glorify the Lord Who has Mercy on you.”

You can read two of Saint Nektarios’ beautiful letters to Saint Daniel here.