Feast Day: January 15th
The Life of Saint Paul: Saint Paul disclosed to Saint Anthony that for sixty years a bird had brought him half a loaf of bread each day. Now the Lord had sent a double portion in honour of Saint Anthony’s visit…

Troparion – Tone 3: Inspired by the Spirit, you were the first to dwell in the desert in emulation of Elijah the Zealot; as one who imitated the Angels, you were made known to the world by Saint Anthony the Great. Righteous Paul, entreat Christ God to grant us His Great Mercy.
Kontakion – Tone 3: Today we gather and praise you with Hymns as an unwaning ray of the Spiritual Sun; for you shine on those in the darkness of ignorance, leading all mankind to the heights, Venerable Paul, adornment of Thebes and firm foundation of the Fathers and Ascetics.

Saint Anthony thought that there was no other desert dweller such as he. Then God said to him, “Anthony, there is a servant of God more excellent than you, and you should go and see him.” Saint Anthony went into the desert and came to Saint Paul’s cave. Falling to the ground before the entrance to the cave, he asked to be admitted. The Elders introduced themselves, and then embraced one another. They conversed through the night, and Saint Anthony revealed how he had been led there by God.
Saint Paul disclosed to Saint Anthony that for sixty years a bird had brought him half a loaf of bread each day. Now the Lord had sent a double portion in honour of Saint Anthony’s visit.

The next morning, Saint Paul spoke to Saint Anthony of his approaching death, and instructed him to bury him. He also asked Saint Anthony to return to his Monastery and bring back the cloak he had received from Saint Athanasius. He did not really need a garment, but wished to depart from his body while Saint Anthony was absent.
