Feast Day: June 27th
Synaxis of the Saints of Diveyevo Monastery: Each one of them traversed their Earthly trials and temptations, always making the Righteous choice, never attempting to escape their crosses. They saved themselves and others. Even today, they remain fervent intercessors and helpers in our arduous Earthly journey…
Troparion – Tone 5: Today, the Church’s expanse broadens, welcoming the richness of God’s Grace. The chosen abode of the Most Holy Theotokos rejoices, commemorating the illustrious assembly of Diveyevo Saints, who triumph in the Heavenly Kingdom and intercede for our Souls.
Kontakion – Tone 8: You have shown yourselves to be vessels of the Holy Spirit through your honourable lives, devoted servants of the Most Holy Theotokos, who shone forth in the land of Diveyevo. Remember us at God’s Throne in the Heavenly Kingdom.
A Prayer: O all-honoured saints of Diveyevo, chosen ones of the Queen of Heaven, her faithful attendants, who have ascended to the Heavenly Kingdom through your labours! Today, on the occasion of your collective celebration, we offer you this Hymn of praise. We bless your Holy lives, glorify your great Miracles, extol your love, and magnify your endeavours. For you, having renounced the vanities of this world and taken up your cross, fervently followed Christ. Crucifying your flesh with its passions and desires, with patience and courage you vanquished the enemy to the end. Having shamed the wisdom of this age, you acquired the mind of Christ. Therefore, we implore you: O Holy kin of ours! Do not abandon us, your Spiritual children. Help us steadfastly uphold the Orthodox faith so that the saving seed may not wither under the heat of unbelief but bring forth abundant fruit. Thus, in the age to come, we may hear together with you the blessed Voice of Our Lord and God: “Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” Amen.
Saint Alexandra
Feast Day: June 26th
Saint Martha
Feast Day: September 3rd
Saint Seraphim proclaimed: “Her Soul is in the Kingdom of Heaven and near the Holy Trinity at God’s Throne, and your entire lineage will be saved through her!”.
Saint Helena
Feast Day: June 10th
Saint Pelagia Ivanovna of Diveyevo, the Fool for Christ and Disciple of Saint Seraphim of Sarov
Feast Day: January 30th
Saint Paraskeva (Pasha) Ivanovna of Diveyevo Sarov
Feast Day: September 22nd
The Suvorov Martyrs Saint Evdokia, Saint Daria, Saint Daria and Saint Maria
Feast Day: August 18th
Saint Jacob Gusev the Hieromartyr
Feast Day: December 26th
Saint Michael Gusev the Hieromartyr
Feast Day: November 20th
Saint Seraphim Chichagov the Hieromartyr
Feast Day: December 11th
Saint Martha Testova the Martyr
Feast Day: April 26th
Saint Pelagia Testova
Feast Day: November 3rd
Saint Matrona Vlasova
Feast Day: November 7th
Saint Alexandra, Saint Martha and Saint Helena